Specialists of the road industry were told about the features of the accelerator of the FAA "ROSDORNIA"

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On February 25, the VIII Federal Business Forum Smart City & Region took place

Participation inThe Smart City & Region Business Forum was attended by business representatives, creators of information systems, representatives of administrations of regions and subjects of the Russian Federation. The issues of digitalization and the creation of smart cities were discussed in order to improve the standard of living and satisfaction of citizens. Special attention was paid to cybersecurity and data security.

The Director of Organizational Activities of the BCC made a report to the audience
FAA "ROSDORNII"Alexey Kovrov. He spoke about the development of innovations in the road industry, the construction of intelligent transport systems on highways and the digitalization of smart cities. Special attention was paid to the results of the accelerator, which was launched at the site of the FAU "ROSDORNIA" last year.

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During his speechAlexey Kovrov drew the listeners' attention to serious differences in the direction of the introduction of new technologies is the work of large market players with significant financial and organizational resources, and smaller enterprises or startups, for which entry into the industry is often simply closed without external expert support.

 The accelerator of the road industry is aimed at leveling the opportunities for the introduction of new technologies in the road industry. Its important difference from traditional accelerators is the industry mentoring track and the ability to determine the optimal ways of testing on real objects. In the educational program of the FAU "ROSDORNII", an individual mentor support process was organized for each project. This made it possible to adapt technologies to the needs of the industry in a short time and prepare all economic calculations for their use. But for those who have passed the acceleration program, participation in the project does not end, the director of organizational activities of the CC FAU "ROSDORNII" clarified in his report. Some technologies are already being tested in pilot regions. Successful projects will be included in the Register of new and best technologies, materials and technological solutions for reuse (RNNT) for later use by other regions.

RNNT was created on the basis of the FAA "ROSDORNIA" as part of the implementation of the strategic objectives of the national project "Safe and high-quality Highways". The unified register contains information about innovative technologies and allows you to choose the necessary execution tool depending on the geographical object.