
Pricing The Pricing Department performs the following tasks and functions:

  • Forms a unified policy in the field of economics and pricing for construction, reconstruction, overhaul (hereinafter referred to as construction) of transport infrastructure facilities and their operational maintenance;

  • Improves the quality of performed works by centralizing economic activity and improving the scientific and methodological base;

  • Increases competitiveness of manufactured products by increasing the status of scientific and production activities and the level of representation among customers;

  • Increases the efficiency of implementing statutory tasks of the Institution;

  • Develops and implements new digital services and information modeling technologies to optimize the construction processes and operational maintenance of facilities under construction;

  • Performs fundamental and applied research aimed at improving the efficiency of construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure facilities;

  • Conducts technical and economic research and development of conceptual, regulatory and methodological documents aimed at improving the cost management of road construction and maintenance;

  • Develops and provides advisory/methodological support on the introduction of new technologies, digital services, information modeling technologies necessary for the effective performance of works (construction, reconstruction, overhaul, repair, operation) for customers and contractors in regions of the Russian Federation;

  • Carries out expert cooperation to fulfill tasks of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utility Communications of the Russian Federation;

  • Carries out researches and feasibility studies on investing in the construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure facilities;

  • Carries out economic expertise on the feasibility and effectiveness of transport infrastructure construction investment projects;

  • Examines budget standards, regulating the pricing process during construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure facilities;

  • Provides scientific and methodological support for the pricing process and feasibility study of construction (reconstruction) and operational maintenance of transport infrastructure facilities;

  • Collects, processes and analyses data on construction resources prices in regions of the Russian Federation;

  • Maintains and updates a database on construction materials prices in the regions;

  • Monitors the availability of resources for road facilities construction, including basic road-building materials, storage facilities, road-building equipment (considering the needs of the Russian Federation regions, the Federal Road Agency, and the State Company “Avtodor”);

  • Trains scientific personnel in areas of research;

  • Prepares scientific papers and monographs, dissertations, articles, reports, scientific reports, communications, reviews, and conclusions;

  • Plans and conducts researches and experiments, participates in applying research results;

  • Conducts and coordinates exploratory and applied researches aimed at improving the pricing process.

  • Organizes research and development of regulatory and methodological document drafts in the areas of research;

  • Maintains links with scientific institutions and other organizations;

  • Implements R&D projects and provides scientific support to the implementation of practical tasks in the areas of research;

  • Organizes the technical and economic expertise of documents in the areas of competence;

  • Organizes scientific conferences, meetings and seminars;

  • Participates in shaping a modern system of new regulatory and methodological documents and updating existing ones as well as budget standards in the field of transport infrastructure facilities construction;

  • Participates in developing and examining regulatory, interstate, federal, target, and long-term programs;

  • Initiates the conclusion of contracts necessary to fulfill tasks and functions of the Department, monitors the proper execution of contracts, the registration of documents related to these contracts and their submission to the Accounting Department;

  • Ensures work hours accounting of the Department’s employees, the execution of related documents and their submission to the Accounting Department and the Human Resources Department;

  • Ensures keeping and safety of paperwork in the Department in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, other regulatory-legal acts, and local acts of the Institution;

  • Ensures careful handling of the Institution’s property, work equipment, including workplaces, engineering equipment, office equipment, consumables;

  • Elaborates drafts of local acts of the Institution related to tasks and functions of the Department.