Employees of the Economic Research Division implement scientific work in the field of the construction, overhaul, reconstruction of highways and artificial structures; shape the scientific and technical policy of the Institution on economic issues, improving regulatory and methodological framework in the field of road planning, as well as on pricing issues; provide informational and analytical support of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and the Federal Road Agency in the field of construction economics and pricing.
The Division performs the following functions:
Participates in implementing target programs on the development of federal and regional highway networks;
Develops economic documents for road maintenance projects;
Participates in the preparation of opinions on draft legislative, regulatory and legal acts, reviews R&D, scientific articles and other developments in the field of economic research and pricing;
Participates in the examination of budget documentation;
Participates in the development of proposals on subjects of R&D of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Federal Road Agency and other organizations in the field of economic research and pricing;
At the request of the Institution's leadership, provides information and materials on issues related to the Division’s competence;
At the request of the Institution's leadership prepares answers and conclusions to letters of legal entities and citizens on issues related to the Division’s competence;
Participates in the preparation of tender documentation (Terms of Reference and Calendar Plan) on state contracts and R&D topics in the field of economic research and pricing;
Ensures the performance of work in accordance with contractual obligations and within the time limits stipulated by contracts;
Prepares information and reference materials on activities performed by the Division.