ROSDORNI participates in the implementation of the National Project «Safe Quality Roads».
The passport of the federal project «System Wide Measures for Road Industry Development», which is part of the National Project, requires to establish the Industry Excellence Center of the road industry, to ensure the set of works aimed at supporting the implementation of the National Project, namely:
- Providing methodological support and monitoring the implementation of measures aimed at ensuring traffic safety in regions of the Russian Federation;
- Assessing the efficiency and results of new technologies, materials and technological solutions deployment;
- Providing methodological and advisory assistance on the use of existing regulatory and technical documents in the field of road industry, taking into account the requirements of TR CU 014/2011 in process of the National Project implementation, including monitoring changes in regulatory and technical documents in the field of road industry;
- Planning and implementing of R&D by the IEC as part of the National Project;
- Developing proposals for the use of accelerated test methods for comprehensive development of the road industry;
- Implementing and developing accelerated test methods for road structures via using CYCLOS;
- Developing normative and technical documentation for a mobile, digital, multipurpose unit for road inspection in motion;
- Developing and improving methodological support in the field of determining the design and residual life of road pavements;
- Examining territorial planning documents of the Russian Federation regions;
- Developing a platform to support technological re-equipment of enterprises of the road industry and support of technological and scientific projects of young scientists and entrepreneurs;
- Providing advisory and methodological support for the implementation of new technologies;
- Developing mechanisms to create a sustainable positive image of the introduction of new technologies and ensuring high-quality of roads;
- Providing methodological and advisory assistance to the responsible executives of the regions of the Russian Federation on the implementation of the National Project arrangements, as well as the implementation of related instructions to prepare and submit various information and reports to the management bodies of the National Project;
- Studying a model of formation of road funds according to the «user pays» principle Analyzing industry needs in road construction equipment, given the capabilities of domestic industry;
- Analyzing needs for basic construction materials (crushed stone, bitumen, sand) and storage facilities (including bitumen storage), as well as regional capacity in production of basic construction materials for the road industry;
- Quarterly monitoring – market analysis of current prices of basic resources included in the resource-technological models for calculating the indexes of changes of estimated cost for the facilities;
- Calculating the average monthly wage of grade 1workers employed in the construction of road facilities for the previous year;
- Elaborating drafts of determination of standard cost and estimate norms, as well as preparation of proposals for the development of estimate norms;
- Elaborating requirements for the composition and content of regional strategic plans for the development of transport infrastructure;
- Carrying out research and analysis of approaches to financing road activities in foreign countries;
- Shaping requirements for the implementation of information modeling technology on road facilities. Finalizing the construction information classifier and requirements to XML-schemes.