ROSDORNII implements tasks on technical regulation and standardization in the field of road management and activities of the Project Office for Science, including:
- Participating in development state policy, regulatory, and technical documents in the field of road management in terms of monitoring, adopting and developing new regulatory, technical, and standardization documents within the framework of specialized technical committees on standardization;
- Planning and deploying R&D within the framework of the National Project «Safe Quality Roads»;
- Participating in the examination of the standards of road organizations and preparing conclusions to include them in the Register of New and Best Technologies, Materials and Technological Solutions of Secondary Use;
- Collecting information on changes in regulatory and technical documents in the field of road management, considering requirements of TR CU 014/2011;
- Interacting with technical committees on standardization, including TC418 «Road Management», on issues of technical regulation and standardization within the framework of the National Project «Safe Quality Roads».
ROSDORNII collects data on the use of new technologies within the framework of the National Project «Safe Quality Roads» and evaluates the economic efficiency of new technologies, materials and technological solutions (consideration of results for subsequent planning) included in the Register of New and Best Technologies, Materials and Technological Solutions of Secondary Use. The Institution participates in research and analytical work to identify the most effective and economically feasible ways to deploy new technological solutions in the road sector, develops methodological principles for calculating an economic effect from the introduction of innovations, the best technologies, materials and technological solutions of secondary use.
ROSDORNII carries out the following services on a commercial basis:
- Developing work programs for monitoring pilot road sections where innovative technologies were applied;
- Supervising pilot road sections;
- Examining documentation provided by a manufacturer of innovations for compliance with requirements of the Federal Road Agency and the State Company «Avtodor»;
- Providing services on development and updating methodological recommendations for assessing the socio-economic efficiency of innovations in the road industry;
- Considering and preparing conclusions (reviews) on standards of organizations;
- Analyzing market on standardization for relevant products (key customers, review and comparative analysis of similar products, demand assessment and market volume, including in the context of subjects of the Russian Federation;
- Reviewing and translating foreign articles, journals and publications in the field of road industry;
- Developing standardization documents including standards of organizations in order to introduce innovations, the best technologies, materials and technological solutions for secondary use;