Specialists of the road industry were introduced to the standards for the construction of safe roads

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February 25, 2021 on the platform of the Educational portal of the road economy e ksperty
FAA "ROSDORNII" and Rostransnadzor held
a webinar on the implementation of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "Road Safety" TR CU 014/2011 during the implementation of the national project "Safe and High-quality Highways" (NP "BCAD") in the subjects of the Russian Federation. The event was attended by more than 200 industry specialists from different regions of the country.

The first report to the audience was made by the chief specialist of the Department of methodological 
and information support of the FAA "ROSDORNIA" Grigory Arkhipov. He spoke about the specifics of the implementation and practical application of TR CU 014/2011. In particular, the expert noted that the new technical regulations have priority over any other regulations in force on the territory of Russia, and its requirements apply to all types of public roads. In addition, all the necessary explanations were given for the unambiguous identification of the types of products subject to the technical regulations, and a list of objects was given road facilities, to which its effect does not apply. Then the specialist spoke about the standards and regulations, the application of which ensures compliance with the requirements
TR CU 014/2011, on the rules of certification of products and declaration of materials used, as well as on the hierarchy and regulations of the supervisory authorities controlling the application of technical regulations.

Roman Lesnyak, Deputy Head of the Department of Control and Supervision of Motor Transport and Road Facilities of the Department of State Automobile and Road Supervision of Rostransnadzor, followed the expert of the FAA "ROSDORNIA", who introduced the webinar listeners to the procedure and features of the work of state bodies monitoring compliance with the requirements of TR CU 014/2011. The current legislative and regulatory acts regulating the activities of supervisory authorities and supervised organizations, issues of declaration, labeling and certification of products, peculiarities of law enforcement and judicial practice, interpretation of various norms and much more were considered. The speaker paid special attention to the importance of compliance with the requirements technical regulations when carrying out work on regional and local roads, where today the implementation of
TR CU 014/2011 does not always go smoothly.

In conclusion, the experts answered the questions of the audience, mainly related to the rules of documentation, the specifics of product labeling and the application of technical regulations when performing repair work on local roads.

The Technical Regulation of the Customs Union TR CU 014/2011 "Road Safety" establishes the minimum necessary safety requirements for highways and the processes of their design, construction, reconstruction, overhaul and operation, as well as the forms and procedure for assessing compliance with these requirements. The objects of technical regulation of TR CU 014/2011 are newly constructed, reconstructed, overhauled and operated public highways and road structures on them, including elements of arrangement, as well as related processes of design, construction, reconstruction, overhaul and operation of highways and road structures and used road-building materials and products.