FAI “ROSDORNII” has been implementing the inspection and condition assessment of roads for about 30 years. The Institution inspects roads with specialized mobile road laboratories. Depending on an assigned task, road inspection is carried out according to the following parameters: longitudinal evenness, absence of pavement defects and rutting, adherence properties, pavement strength, geometric parameters. Also, specialists perform bridge inspection and download reliable data on the current technical condition of bridges in the Industry Data Bank for Bridges.
Currently, FAI “ROSDORNII” and its branches use advanced mobile specialized road laboratories. Specialists of the Institution developed new laser systems for monitoring longitudinal and transverse evenness, adherence properties of road surfaces, as well as pavement layers strength characteristics.
The Institution developed a multipurpose road inspection laboratory for the continuous assessment of road strength in motion – ESCANDOR. It is designed as a semi-trailer, which moves at a traffic flow speed, collecting all necessary road parameters in real time.