Standard Development Division

The Standard Development Division develops budget standards used for determining cost of construction, reconstruction and overhaul, (hereinafter referred to as construction) of transport infrastructure facilities; implements expertise of budget standards used in determining the cost of construction of transport infrastructure facilities; provides informational and analytical support to the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and the Federal Road Agency on pricing and budget rationing.

The Division performs the following functions:

  • Participates in improving activities of the Institution in the field of pricing and budget standards for the construction of transport infrastructure facilities and, if necessary, interacts with branch/representative offices of the Institution;

  • Participates in shaping scientific and technical policy of the Institution on improving regulatory and methodological framework in the field of budget rationing for transport infrastructure facilities construction;

  • Provides informational and analytical support to the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and the Federal Road Agency in the field of pricing and budget standards for transport infrastructure facilities construction;

  • Develops standards for transport infrastructure facilities construction;

  • Participates in the examination of budget standards used for determining the cost of transport infrastructure facilities construction;

  • Provides, at the request of the Institution's leadership, information and materials on issues related to the Division’s competence;

  • At the request of the Institution’s leadership prepares answers and conclusions on letters from legal entities and citizens on issues related to the Division’s competence;

  • Participates in the preparation of tender documentation (Technical specifications and Calendar Plan) on state contracts and R&D in the field of pricing and standard development for the construction of roads;

  • Develops proposals on the subject of R&D of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Federal Road Agency and other organizations in the field of pricing and budget standards;

  • Prepares information and reference materials on activities carried out by the Division.