The Road Funds Control System (SKDF) is an information system created by the FAI «ROSDORNII», which contains an up-to-date database of roads, road works, procurement, road accidents (including statistical and analytical tools for determining black spots), and road funds spending. The system also provides support to road activity plans in regions, including measures for the backbone road network development. In the future, this system should become a unified multipurpose tool for planning road works. An issue of giving to the SKDF the status of a state information system is under consideration at the legislative level.
According to Federal Law No 39-FZ of March 6, 2022, the SKDF received a federal state information system status.
The goals of creating the SCDF are to consolidate the road industry information in a single database, providing:
For road owners – updated information about roads, road works planning, the shaping of expenditure programs of road funds, monitoring the actual performance of works;
For public authorities - information and analytical support for comprehensive and detailed analysis of information about roads and the history of work performed;
- For commercial and public organizations, users of road infrastructure - access to current and reliable information about roads.
Initial and additional training on the use of the system can be obtained on request within a time period agreed with the FAI «ROSDORNII». An application for training can be filled in the Project Activity Management System or through the technical support service by phone 8 (800) 444-66-22 or by e-mail .