Rosneft bitumen is included in the Russian register of materials of ROSDORNIA

10.01.2022 Views: 753

Polymer-bitumen binder (PBB) of special purpose Alfabit Bridge production Rosneft has been included in the Register of New Technologies and Materials of the Russian Road Research Institute (ROSDORNII), the company reported.

The register was created as part of the implementation of the national project Safe and high-quality highways for the use of new technologies and materials of the road industry in the Russian Federation.

In 2019, RN-Bitumen, the Federal Road Agency and Avtodor signed an agreement on cooperation in the use of modern high-quality innovative binding materials and the development of road construction

Rosneft reported that the Alfabit Bridge PBV meets all standards of the road industry, has high performance characteristics and wear resistance.
The company produces and supplies to the market more than 30 brands of bitumen binders,
including a high-tech product with increased performance characteristics Alfabit, bitumen emulsions and a line of bitumen binders according to PG classification (classification of binders relative to their operational characteristics characteristics taking into account the minimum and maximum calculated temperatures of the road surface).

The new product provides increased durability of asphalt concrete coatings and increases the service life of bridge structures and structures, reducing the cost of repairing the canvas.

The key advantages of PBB Alfabit are:

  • high degree of wear resistance;

  • resistance of the coating to cracking and rutting;

  • 2-3-fold increase in the inter-service (inter-repair) interval;

  • reduction of total costs for maintenance and maintenance of the facility.

The implementation of the national project Safe and high-quality highways involves the use of new technologies, structures and materials when performing road works to improve the efficiency of construction.
The company produces bitumen at 10 oil refineries located in the Central, Volga and Siberian Federal Districts.

The main modifications of PBB Alfabit are:

  • Alphabit 40;

  • Alphabit 60, having the following gradation: 60 Br (bridges and bridge structures), 60 Air (airfields) and 60 F1 (special development for race tracks);

  • Alphabit 90;

  • Alphabit 130.