ROSDORNII Presents its Key Developments at Global Road Construction Conference 2023

09.11.2023 Views: 484

Representatives of the FAI “ROSDORNII” delivered reports via videoconferencing in the Global Road Conference (GRC-2023), which took place from November 8 to 9 in the city of Gurugram, India.

The event was held for the third time jointly with Rex Fuels, Bitumen India Forum, the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), and the Central Road Research Institute (CRRI).

The conference is a landmark event for the field of road construction and bitumen production. Government officials, as well as experts, managers and technical specialists from leading companies in the road transport sector made their reports.

Deputy General Director of FAI “ROSDORNII” Artur Romanenko told the audience about main areas of activity of the Institute, its technical equipment and key developments.

In particular, the Institution has at its disposal an extensive branch network, a team of qualified experts, more than 40 mobile road inspection laboratories and 10 stationary testing laboratories with state-of-the-art measuring equipment.

As a leading research organization of the Russian road industry, the Institution developed and approved nine national and preliminary national standards in 2022, aimed at improving road safety, road works quality and introducing new technologies into road construction practice.

In addition, ROSDORNII develops regulatory and technical documents on the development of intelligent road infrastructure. In particular, the Institution is shaping a unified technical policy for designing smart transport systems for public roads.

One of the most significant developments of ROSDORNII within the framework of the National Project “Safe-Quality Roads” is the Heavy Vehicle Simulator “CYCLOS”. This unit is unique in the Eurasian Economic Union, is designed for accelerated testing of road pavements by simulating the continuous application of a preset axle load. “Thanks to CYCLOS, within a few months it is possible to simulate the full operating conditions of a road throughout its entire life cycle and reveal the operational characteristics of the road pavement under testing” said Artur Romanenko.

Another unique project of ROSDORNII is the Federal State Information System for Monitoring the Formation and Use of Road Funds (FGIS SKDF), which contains an up-to-date database of highways and their repair and reconstruction schedules; information on road works being carried out, their cost and deadlines; data on road accidents, procurement and much more. This is one of the most transparent decision-making tools for monitoring road construction and funds expenditure. Today the system has more than 20,000 registered users from 85 regions of Russia.

After his report, Artur Romanenko answered questions from industry experts. In particular, he spoke about the systematic application of recycled industrial waste for road construction considering the context of Russian regions.

At the end of the meeting, participants expressed confidence that such events significantly strengthen international cooperation in the field of road construction.

Reference information:

FAI “ROSDORNII”, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and Central Road Research Institute (CRRI) of India signed a Memorandum of Understanding, in May 2023. The parties agreed on further interaction in terms of the information exchange on existing regulatory documents, the latest developments and tests, as well as on the bilateral participation of experts in ongoing events. Cooperation between institutions will help create conditions for the development of the road transport industry, primarily in terms of the use of innovative products.