On March 25-26, Novosibirsk will host an All-Russian conference on the topic: "Modern technologies of winter maintenance of roads"

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The FAA "ROSDORNII" together with the National Association of Winter Maintenance of Roads will unite leaders and experts of the transport industry in the field of winter maintenance of highways on one platform.

Within the framework of the conference, the participants will consider the application of GOST R 58427-2020, which has entered into force, "Deicing materials for use on the territory of settlements. General technical requirements". Experts of the FAA "ROSDORNIA" and representatives of the professional community will talk about the use of innovative anti-icing materials, modern road equipment for the maintenance of roads and streets in settlements, technical and economic aspects of various models of road maintenance in cities, the operation of winter trucks and other topical issues in the field of winter maintenance of highways.

The main topics of the forum will be:

– Economics of innovative winter maintenance of highways in the cities of the Russian Federation;
– The quality of inert materials used in winter maintenance of roads;
– Promising integrated technologies for winter and off-season maintenance;
– New opportunities in ensuring road safety when using modern LED traffic lights;
– Issues of assessing the quality of winter maintenance of highways.

On the second day of the Conference, field events are planned: a demonstration of the state of the Novosibirsk city road network, a visit to the base of specialized road equipment with a demonstration of automatic systems for refueling and accounting of equipment with deicing materials, an inspection of the snowmaking complex.

Organizers: FAA "ROSDORNII" together with the National Association of Winter Maintenance of Roads with the support of the Mayor's Office of Novosibirsk.

A more detailed program can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HGZ8hU3NCHcLJiMCtDY6NPBuTQ7d-Q0X/view?usp=sharing

Registration for the Conference is open at the link http://bit.ly/301uoPW