General Director of ROSDORNIA Stanislav Naboko took part in the meeting of the Council of the World Road Association (PIARC). The event was held via videoconference on October 19-21. The participants also included the head of the Federal Road Agency Roman Novikov and the chairman of the Board of the state company Avtodor Vyacheslav Petushenko.
At the meeting, the members of the Council of the World Road Association discussed the implementation of the Strategic Plan until 2023. In addition, the new president of PIARC, Nazir Alli from South Africa, was elected during the event. The composition of the Executive Committee of the organization has also changed. It included 25 new representatives, including Stanislav Naboko, Director General of ROSDORNIA. Technical features of the XVI World Congress on Winter Maintenance and Road Stability - Calgary 2022 (Canada) were also presented at the meeting.
The World Road Association (PIARC) is one of the most significant international organizations in the field of road management. It consists of 144 States, including the Russian Federation. PIARC holds World Road Congresses and International Winter Road Congresses in order to exchange current methods and best practices in the field of road management and road transport, as well as demonstrate key achievements of technical committees.