Congratulations of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin on the Day of Road Workers

17.10.2021 Views: 225

Dear friends!

I congratulate you on the Day of Road Workers.

This professional holiday is celebrated by builders, engineers, designers, employees of numerous specialized enterprises.

Thanks to your daily work, responsible approach to business, the industry is steadily developing, new large-scale programs and technological initiatives are being launched, contributing to the strengthening of the transport network, the introduction of public-private partnership mechanisms into wide practice.

I would like to note that in recent years strategically important facilities have been put into operation, such as the Crimean Bridge, the Neva and Tavrida highways, and the Central Ring Road in the Moscow region. On the agenda are no less ambitious projects that will connect the cities and territories of the country with modern, safe highways. And of course, we need to modernize existing transport corridors, improve the quality of regional and local roads and related infrastructure, and do everything possible to increase the pace of this work, which is of great importance for our citizens, businesses, for the development of the domestic economy and the social sphere.

I wish you success in solving your tasks - for the benefit of Russia. Health and all the best.

President of the Russian Federation

Vladimir Putin


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