Intersectoral conference "ITS on highways. Landfills and test areas for creating a safe transport environment"

19.05.2022 Views: 2024

On May 19, 2022, we will host an intersectoral conference "ITS on highways. Landfills and test areas to create a safe transport environment." Representatives of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Transport of Russia, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, leading industry enterprises, associations and associations, experts in the field of road infrastructure development and construction are invited to participate.

The key topic of discussion will be the work on the creation of a special test zone for intelligent transport systems. The conference will be useful for developers of intelligent transport systems and highly automated vehicles (VATS), as well as industry contractors who are ready to use the technology on public roads.

During the conference, experts will consider the issues of creating the basic infrastructure of special test operational zones to ensure the safety of the VATS and discuss methods of testing such technologies. We invite colleagues to take part in the event.

Place Location: NAMI Test Center, Moscow region,
Dmitrovsky district, village Autopolygon.

Access to the territory of the Test Center by US requires a pre-order pass, therefore it is limited.

Kindly fill out the registration form:

It is also possible to participate in an online format.

Contacts for media accreditation:

Tel.: +7 917 525-09-51, mail:

Vasilyeva Evelina Yurievna, Head of the press service