On March 16, 2022, on the basis of the Consulting Center for Employees of the road industry, the FAA "ROSDORNII" will hold a webinar on the results of selective monitoring (audit) of the quality of road works. The head of the Department of industrial monitoring organization Alexander Razvedchenko will talk about what selective monitoring of the quality of road works is within the framework of the national project "Safe high-quality Roads", about its goals and objectives. The main problems currently existing in the implementation of NP BCD, typical violations during the production of road works will be described, the dynamics of the main estimated indicators of the quality of road works based on the results of monitoring in 2020 and 2021 will be shown.
The webinar starts at 10:00.
You can register by following the link: https://consult.rosdorspk.ru/zapisatsya-na-vebinar/11000153