The scientific and practical conference "Transport planning and modeling" will be held on May 20 and 21

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On May 20 and 21, 2021, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) together with the Association of Transport Engineers (ATI) will hold the VI annual scientific and practical conference "Transport Planning and Modeling". The event is held on an annual basis with the support of the Ministry of Transport of Russia.

The first day will be devoted to key areas of industry development and state policy in the field of transport planning. Experts will discuss key tasks within the framework of NP "BCD", modernization of public transport, the main trends in digitalization of cities and regions.

On the second day, participants will exchange best practices and solutions in the field of transport system management.

The event will be held in two formats – face-to-face and online. Experts will be able to personally meet and discuss current issues of industry development at the site of the Technopolis Polytech research Building. Some participants will take part in a videoconference format.

From the FAA "ROSDORNIA" will participate:

  • Acting Deputy General Director instituteEkaterina Bryazgina (Transport modeling as the basis for the success of infrastructure projects)

  • Head of the Transport Planning Department of ROSDORNIAVladimir Pashchenko (Modernization of public transport within the framework of the National Project "Safe high-quality roads")

  • Head of the Department for Intelligent Transport Systems of ROSDORNIAVasily Kurguzov (Practices of development of intelligent transport systems in the regions)

Registration and detailed information about the conditions of participation in the conference –  

Contact for participation in the event: 
Vasiliev Nikolay, +7 (812) 309-25-40,