Mishustin: road construction in Russia will continue
Cement and its application, 03/28/2022
The construction of roads in Russia will continue, over 843 billion rubles are provided for this for three years, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said.
"For the next three years, the federal budget provides over 843 billion rubles for Russian entities to carry out road activities. The construction of roads will not just continue, but will actively continue," he said at a meeting with the Liberal Democratic Party.
Mishustin noted that today it is one of the drivers of the economy in a period of difficult crisis phenomena.
Bionord deicing reagent tested on Yamal roads
TASS, 03/28/2022
The flagship product of the Ural Plant of deicing Materials has shown high efficiency in the climatic conditions of the Arctic region.
Specialists of the Ural Plant of Deicing Materials (UZPM LLC, Perm Krai, part of the WTG business community) together with the Yamal road services held a presentation on the effectiveness of deicing reagents in the climatic conditions of the region. On the Salekhard–Nadym highway, two reagents were compared: calcium chloride and UZPM's flagship product, Bionord, the company's press service reported.
"The main means of combating slipperiness on the roads are still screening and a sand-and-salt mixture. But technology does not stand still and these materials have found an alternative. Today we are comparing in practice the properties of two deicing materials in order to make sure that they are suitable in our northern conditions. After all, well–cleaned roads are one of the keys to improving road safety," Andrei Shishkin, a specialist in technical supervision, is quoted in the message.
The press service said that two sections of the road with a total length of 400 m were treated with materials: one in a snow roll, the second in vitreous ice. The participants of the presentation from the YANAO road Directorate focused on the compositions of deicing materials, noting their environmental safety for the environment and the technosphere. "At the same time, experts stressed that the multicomponent reagent "Bionord", which includes corrosion inhibitors and biophilic additives for removing salts from the soil, is more effective in its melting ability. Getting on the snow, the reagent melts it and does not lose its properties at temperatures up to minus 30 degrees Celsius. With all the advantages, calcium chloride loses its effectiveness as an anti-icing reagent already at temperatures below minus 10 degrees Celsius. As the participants of the presentation noted, the consumption of "Bionord" is significantly less than salt and a sand–salt mixture for processing an area of a similar size," the report says.
"The deicing material under the brand name "Bionord" is developed for each region taking into account a variety of criteria, including climate and places of application – "Bionord" for Novosibirsk and Rostov-on-Don may differ in composition, but the effectiveness in combating ice, safety and cost-effectiveness in applications remain unchanged. Today, "Bionord" is used on federal highways M-5 and M-7, on roads and streets of cities with millions, bridges of federal significance and large industrial sites of the country," the words of the representative of the Ural Plant of deicing materials Artem Dovzhenko are quoted in the message.
Upon completion of testing, a comparative analysis will allow specialists to determine a more effective material for combating ice, which will be used on the roads of the district in the next winter season, the company noted.
About the company
Ural Plant of Deicing Materials LLC (UZPM LLC, part of the WTG business community) is one of the largest enterprises in the deicing materials market in the Russian Federation and the CIS, with capacities for the production of up to 1 million tons per year of eco-friendly ice products of the brand "BIONORD". The products are supplied to more than 50 regions of the Russian Federation, CIS countries and the European Union, have been awarded the "100 best goods of Russia", "Russian quality", "Ecology of the XXI century" contests, have all the necessary permits: An expert opinion on the conformity of products with Uniform sanitary and epidemiological requirements, a chemical safety data sheet, a certificate of conformity voluntary certification system "Promtehstandart".
As part of the main production assets of UZPM LLC, there is a production site in the city of Krasnokamsk, Perm Krai and on the territory of the TOS Industrial Park (Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region).
The digital construction resources market – STROYRESURS has started working
TC 465, 03/29/2022
A new resource has been launched to search for alternative proposals for building materials – the Digital Construction Resources Market based on the Classifier of Construction Resources.
The Stroyresurs digital platform is an industry—specific digital market infrastructure that provides services related to ensuring the interaction of construction organizations with manufacturers and suppliers of construction materials, engineering and technological equipment, machinery and mechanisms at a new qualitative level.
The platform provides an opportunity for free placement and administration of information about sellers of construction resources, including their product portfolio.
The structural basis for posting information about products (construction resources) is the Catalog of construction resources, formed on the basis of the Classifier of Construction Resources (DAC) of the Ministry of Construction of Russia and the actual product range of manufacturers and suppliers of construction resources.
The service allows you to place an order for the search and supply of any construction products (materials, equipment, products, components, inventory), including alternative ones produced in unfriendly countries.
As a result of placing an order, the service's partner suppliers will offer delivery options. If the product is not manufactured in Russia, the suppliers will conduct:
research on the supply of these products in China and other alternative markets;
negotiations with manufacturers;
product quality control, production inspection.
After that, the customer will receive specific proposals for the delivery of the ordered goods. When concluding a supply contract, the service partners guarantee:
receiving the product from the manufacturer;
product quality control;
delivery to the border, customs clearance (for imported goods);
delivery within the Russian Federation;
getting the necessary certificates.
The Central Ring Road infrastructure is ready to conduct an experiment on the movement of connected vehicles
AVTODOR, 30.03.2022
A demonstration of infrastructure capabilities for the movement of connected vehicles took place on the Central Ring Road.
The event was attended by representatives of logistics companies, manufacturers of cars, road and special equipment, suppliers of technical solutions, owners and operators of infrastructure (GC "Avtodor", LLC "Unified Operator") and the state development Corporation "VEB.RF".
According to the results of the demonstration, the readiness of the Central Ring Road infrastructure to conduct an experiment on the movement of connected vehicles was noted. The issues of participants' readiness to conduct the experiment are considered and further steps to prepare for the experiment are outlined. The participants plan to clarify all technical aspects.
Recall that in September 2021, within the framework of the International Forum "Innovative Technologies and Intelligent Transport Systems in Road Construction", a Memorandum of cooperation was signed as part of an experiment on the movement of vehicles connected to the infrastructure on the Central Ring Road between the State Company Avtodor and the companies Business Lines, "ITECO Russia", "Daimler Kamaz Rus", "Mercator Holding", "ERA-GLONASS", "Kazan-Telematics" and "Kapsh Traffikkom Russia". Later, the number of participants in the experiment was replenished by the companies LLC "Unified Operator", JSC "SMARTS", LLC "Fort-Telecom", LLC "Wednesday".
Almost everyone confirmed their intentions to participate in the experiment this year. Its goal is to find and work out mutually beneficial scenarios for the use of connected cars for road users and owners, logistics companies, manufacturers of road and special equipment, operating organizations, suppliers of technical solutions. Now the participants plan to clarify all the technical aspects of the experiment.
A new stage in the development of standardization in construction
ROSSTANDART, 30.03.2022
The Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology signed an order on the creation of a new technical committee for standardization – "Information Modeling" (TC 505). The creation of the new TC was one of the results of the work on the reform of the technical Committee for Standardization No. 465 "Construction" with the simultaneous exclusion of the profile subcommittee "Life cycle Management of capital construction facilities" from its structure.
Recall that the reform and development of the activities of technical committees in the field of construction is one of the objectives of the Agreement on Cooperation between the Ministry of Construction of Russia and Rosstandart, signed in 2021 by the Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation Irek Fayzulli and the Head of Rosstandart Anton Shalaev.
TC 465 "Construction" includes 78 active members and 25 subcommittees in various areas of activity in the field of construction. The technical committee is entrusted with the functions of the interstate technical committee — MTK 465 "Construction", as well as the right to participate in the work of 60 ISO profile committees and subcommittees. It should be noted that one of the most important tasks in reforming TC 465 was to maintain the representation of experts in the construction industry that had been recruited in recent years. The Chairman of TC 465 "Construction" is the Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation Sergey Muzychenko.
In turn, the main goal of the technical committee for standardization No. 505 "Information Modeling" (TC 505) will be the formation of a fund of documents of the national standardization system in the field of information modeling in construction. The task of introducing information modeling technologies in the construction sector is of high importance and is determined in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation. Also in 2021, the Government of the Russian Federation approved an Action Plan to create additional conditions for the development of the information technology industry, one of the tasks of which is to develop standards for the design of capital construction facilities for budgetary needs, providing for the use of Russian engineering software, which will ensure technological independence through the use of Russian analogues of foreign software.
Information modeling technologies are applicable to all stages of production and life support of construction projects, including data collection, design work, construction, equipment, operation, repair work. An important advantage of information modeling is the complete interconnection of all types of information in relation to the object.
"Digitalization of construction processes is one of the key areas of work of the Ministry of Construction of Russia. Therefore, it is especially important for us to form a specialized technical committee that will consolidate the expert work of the country's best specialists in the field of information modeling to prepare up-to-date documentation of the standardization system in construction. This will have a direct impact on improving the quality of architectural and construction design of facilities, their construction and operation," said Konstantin Mikhailik, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, who headed TC 505 "Information Modeling".
Currently, 22 documents on standardization in the field of information modeling in construction are already in force in Russia. Within the framework of the TC 505 technical committee, it is planned not only to update the relevant standards, but also to develop fundamentally new documents.
The management of the secretariat of the technical committee 505 is entrusted to JSC "DOM.RF". The technical committee includes leading organizations in the field of construction, including industry associations (National Chamber of Engineers, NOSTROI Association, AETK NOTEK, NOTIM and others), research organizations (FAA ROSDORNII, JSC SIC Stroitelstvo, GAU Institute of the General Plan of Moscow, JSC "NIIAS" and others), expert organizations (FAA "Glavgosexpertiza of Russia", SPb GAU "CGE" and others) and many others.
The First scientific and practical conference on road construction will be held in Penza
Association of Concrete Roads, 31.03.2022
The Association of Concrete Roads invites leading Russian specialists to discuss the use of efficient and economical technologies for the construction and repair of regional and municipal highways.
On April 5, 2022, the First scientific and practical conference "Modern technologies of cold regeneration of road clothes" will be held in the Rameyev Technopark. This is the first event of this level, which is held in the Penza region.
The organizers of the conference are the Association of Concrete Roads of Russia and Asia Cement LLC.
The main topics of the conference will be the use of innovative technologies in the construction and overhaul of highways, aspects of the design and selection of mixtures, ensuring the regulatory service life of highways of regional and local significance. The conference will be attended by specialists of design and road construction companies of the Penza region, heads of district administrations, universities, and executive authorities are invited to participate.
At present, it is critically important that representatives of municipalities and executive authorities who assume the function of the customer of road construction in the region, and design organizations, road construction companies acting as executors of road contracts, could meet at a single site, discuss opportunities for interaction and cooperation, features of work on new technologies of the road industry.
The honored guests have already emphasized the importance and relevance of holding the conference this year.
"Today, more than ever before, expert and public discussion on the topic of road construction is important. Holding conferences at regional venues, with the participation of local customers and contractors of road construction will allow discussing the right choice of modern and economical methods of road construction and repair," said Viktor Ushakov, President of the Association of Concrete Roads, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Road Construction and Operation MADI.
AVTODOR State Company discussed issues of replacement of imported road equipment and maintenance
AVTODOR, 31.03.2022
Igor Koval, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the State Company Avtodor, together with representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, held a meeting on the provision of state support measures for the replacement of imported road construction and road maintenance equipment with analogues manufactured in the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as replacement with analogues of Russian-made spare parts and consumables.
It was attended by representatives of 15 leading construction contractors, 16 manufacturers of road construction equipment, representatives of industry associations NAIK, Rosspetsmash, as well as the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Construction, the Federal Road Agency.
On the basis of the State-owned Company, a systematic analysis of the fleet of large Russian companies that build and operate expressways and their needs for the purchase of domestic equipment and spare parts was carried out. "About 35 percent of our contractors' fleet is subject to replacement within the next five years. As for domestic equipment, the demand of large road companies is about 830 units on the horizon of five years. The most popular are ice rinks, graders, road vehicles based on dump trucks," Igor Koval noted.
In turn, Maria Elkina, Director of the Department of Agricultural, Food and Road Construction Engineering of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, stressed that she expects prompt information from companies on the supply of equipment, service, including foreign fleet, taking into account the restructuring of logistics chains to help solve problematic issues. And also in order to form a nomenclature of spare parts for imported road equipment, which are most in demand, in order to give an order for them to domestic manufacturers.
They also discussed issues of leasing equipment and mechanisms, potential opportunities for subsidizing leasing payments.
Considering that the fleet of major players in the road industry consists mostly of new equipment from leading world manufacturers, it is possible to talk about a phased transition to domestic equipment and, first of all, concentration of efforts on maintenance, production of components in Russia.
It is important to provide road companies with the opportunity to test domestic equipment before purchasing it, said Maria Yarmalchuk, Director General of the National Association of Infrastructure Companies (NAIC).
FAA "FTS" begins the process of tagging scientific and technical documents
TC 465, 31.03.2022
"It is obvious that in order to reduce the investment and construction cycle, fundamentally new approaches are required when obtaining initial permits, passing expertise and other procedures. Starting from 2022, the texts of scientific and technical documents will be marked with the classification attributes of the keyword system - tags. This is necessary to solve the problem of translating regulatory documents into a machine–readable format," said Andrey Kopytin, Acting Director of the FAA "FTS" at the site of the Russian Union of Builders on March 29, 2022.
FAA "FTS" with the support of the Ministry of Construction of Russia is working to create a structure of the system of regulatory documents in construction with the simultaneous formation of an updated database of regulatory technical documents for the transition from a prescriptive method of rationing containing redundant, non-alternative and declarative requirements to a parametric method of rationing based on alternative, flexible options achieving regulatory requirements in design and construction.
The updating of all regulatory documents in 2022 has already been organized taking into account the tasks of tagging regulatory requirements and optimizing the keyword system.
The Ministry of Construction plans to import building materials from India, Iran and CIS countries
Cement and its application, 03/31/2022
The Russian government is working to find new suppliers of building materials in China, Turkey, India, Iran and a number of other countries, the press service of the Ministry of Construction of Russia reported.
"It is also important now to form new supply schemes not only for materials, but also for construction machinery and mechanisms, control and measuring equipment. It is planned to strengthen the partnership on import substitution in the construction industry with such countries as China, Turkey, India, Iran, etc. Also, active cooperation continues with Uzbekistan, Belarus, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, etc.," said Irek Fayzullin, Minister of Construction and Housing of Russia.
He noted that the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Economic Development are monitoring the needs of the construction market. Thus, the demand for a number of materials (cement, rolled metal, etc.) is covered by domestic manufacturers. In other segments, the market will have to reorient itself from one import scheme to another.
The Minister also recalled a recent meeting with partners from Uzbekistan. It was decided to work out the issue of importing building materials and equipment from there.
Russian Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin said that Russian construction materials would not be enough for the needs of the market in the first days of the current crisis. He urged developers to focus on Asian markets in the search for new suppliers.
The State Duma allowed the possibility to introduce state regulation of prices in the construction market.
The Competence Center for Intelligent Transport Systems will open in Moscow on April 4
ROSAVTODOR, 31.03.2022
On April 4, 2022, the Digital Era of Transport Association will hold the official opening of the Competence Center for Intelligent Transport Systems in Moscow.
The Competence Center will become a unique demonstration platform and a training place for specialized specialists, representatives of the subjects of the Russian Federation and federal authorities, who will be able to improve their qualifications in the field of basic knowledge of ITS and skills of their practical implementation in urban agglomerations and on federal highways.
Within the framework of the solemn event, a tour of the Competence Center will be held, the current activities and plans of the Digital Era of Transport Association will be told, as well as a vision of ITS development prospects will be presented.
The continuation of the M-12 follows: preparations are underway for the construction of a section of the highway from Kazan to Yekaterinburg
Glavgosexpertiza of Russia, 01.04.2022
Glavgosexpertiza of Russia has started studying the design and estimate documentation for the stage of preparation of the territory for the construction of the Durtyuli-Achit expressway on the section km 232–km 275 in the Sverdlovsk region. It will be a continuation of the federal highway M-12 Moscow Nizhny Novgorod–Kazan to Yekaterinburg.
In a message to the Federal Assembly in April 2021, Russian President Vladimir Putin outlined the completion date for the construction of the M-12, taking into account the exit to Yekaterinburg until 2024. The project is implemented by the State Company "Russian Highways". It is expected that the extension of the expressway will reduce the travel time from Kazan to Yekaterinburg by half – from 14 to 7 hours. In addition, it will unite the largest industrial centers of the Central, Volga and Ural Federal Districts.
The total length of the Durtyuli–Achit section will be 275 km. Of these, 43 km will be built on the territory of the Sverdlovsk region, 92 km – in the Perm Region and 140 km – within the borders of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The category IB highway will be four-lane. Its construction is planned to be divided into three stages – according to the borders of the regions through which the projected sections pass. At each stage, work will be carried out on the preparation of the construction site, including the installation of access roads, temporary roads and technological platforms.
As Mikhail Kamenskikh, Deputy head of the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia, emphasizes, the Moscow–Yekaterinburg highway is a significant infrastructure project of the country, which will not only reduce travel time, but also ensure stable transport links between the regions, the growth of cargo traffic to 23 million tons per year by 2030, the creation of more than 70 thousand new jobs and many other socially-economic effects.
Currently, contracts are being signed between Glavgosexpertiza of Russia and the State Company Avtodor for the examination of project documentation for the preparation of the construction site of the entire facility. All work on interaction with the customer has begun and is being carried out taking into account the provisions of the new procedure for conducting state expertise in Glavgosexpertize. Procedural changes allow experts to connect directly to the study of design solutions as early as possible and jointly eliminate possible errors at the earliest stages.
When considering this project, an approach is also used in which the main expert of the project, the GAP, is actively involved. Close cooperation between the applicant and the GEO will eliminate barriers in interaction, increase the speed of decision-making, while ensuring an uncompromising approach to the quality and safety of the facility.
At the X inter-industry conference "PRO Bitumen and PBB" Rosavtodor presented the results of interlaboratory comparative tests of bitumen binders
ROSAVTODOR, 01.04.2022
The key topics of the two-day conference this year were the implementation of the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2030 with a forecast for the period up to 2035, improvement of the regulatory and technical framework for assessing the quality of binders, PG classification of bitumen binders, their low-temperature properties, the use of domestic bitumen modifiers, as well as pricing issues.
The event brought together representatives of state regulators, road construction organizations, manufacturers and consumers of bitumen binders on one platform. It was traditionally held with the support of the Federal Road Agency, the state company Avtodor and the Association "R.O.S.ASPHALT".
Opening the conference, Deputy Head of the Federal Road Agency Oleg Stupnikov noted the great importance of an event of this format: "In particular, thanks to the solutions developed at the conference and the established cooperation over 10 years, we have managed to achieve high standards both on the federal road network and on the roads of regions and agglomerations, where the national project "Safe high-quality roads" is being successfully implemented. Also among the results of the work is an increase in the time between repairs, the development and approval of a number of new regulatory documents for the production of bitumen and polymer‒bitumen binders."
One of the most important components of the durability of the road surface is the quality of materials used for various types of road works. The defining condition for its assessment is the qualification of laboratories of contracting organizations (metrological base, equipment and trained personnel) employed at road facilities in the country.
For this purpose, interlaboratory comparative tests (MSI) are conducted, the results of which were described in his report by Sergey Goshovets, Deputy head of the Department of Scientific and Technical Research, Information Technology and Economic Support of the Federal Road Agency. He stressed the importance of interlaboratory testing of binders: "Our main goal is to help improve the quality of research and the professional level of laboratory staff. It is gratifying that since the beginning of the interlaboratory comparative tests conducted by Rosavtodor, the number of participants has more than doubled. In 2021, 24 organizations took part in the ISI, and among them were both institutions subordinate to Rosavtodor and independent laboratories. At the same time, we are constantly increasing the amount of work. If 171 tests were conducted in 2018, then last year it was already 417. "
During the event, Deputy Head of the Federal Road Agency Oleg Stupnikov expressed gratitude to the distinguished employees of the road industry.
For impeccable conscientious work and personal contribution to the development of the road economy, a letter of thanks from the Federal Road Agency encouraged
Bylina Irina Vladimirovna – Head of the quality control Department of the FKU Uprdor "North-West"
Gleb Borisovich Starkov – Deputy General Director of Stroyservice LLC
Traditionally, when summing up the results of the conference, experts will form a draft resolution of the event, defining the vectors of work on the bitumen market in 2022. The document will be based on abstracts from the speakers' reports, proposals made by the participants on the formation of new and improvement of existing regulatory documents, improving the quality of various bitumen and bitumen-derived products to ensure the durability of the country's highways.
Estimate professionals will be able to improve their qualifications based on the results of online training in Glavgosexpertize
Glavgosexpertiza of Russia, 01.04.2022
On April 20-26, 2022, Glavgosexpertiza of Russia will hold a series of lectures on the advanced training program "Current issues of pricing and estimated rationing in construction". The purpose of the training program is to highlight the main aspects and topical issues of pricing and estimated rationing in the field of urban development in the Russian Federation, taking into account the latest changes in regulatory regulation and anti–crisis measures to support the construction industry. The duration of the course is 35 academic hours.
The professional development program is aimed at all participants of the investment and construction process who are interested in pricing and estimated rationing. The proposed topic of lectures will be especially relevant for representatives of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation and local self-government, as well as specialists of construction organizations (customers, contractors), design, survey and expert organizations.
In the most detailed way during the training, the peculiarities of the application of the provisions of the updated Methodology for determining the estimated cost of construction, reconstruction, capital repairs, demolition of capital construction facilities, works on the preservation of cultural heritage objects (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation (Methodology No. 421/pr) will be analyzed, including in terms of determining the costs associated with the provision of a mandatory bank guarantee as security for the performance of the contract and guarantee obligations.
In addition, experts will consider topical issues of the formation of the initial maximum contract price (NMCC), the specifics of drawing up and adjusting the estimates taking into account changes in the conditions of the project, and also explain the requirements for the re-examination of the state project documentation in terms of verifying the reliability of determining the estimated cost in connection with the entry into force of the provisions of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 09.08.2021 No. 1315.
One of the key topics of the training program will be the analysis of the new budget and regulatory framework of the Federal National Security Service-2022 in the price level as of January 1, 2022 and its main differences from the Federal National Security Service-2020.
During the 7-day training program, it is planned to hold three round tables where students will be able to get answers to all questions of interest in a direct dialogue with experts.
The moderator of the round tables on April 20 and 21 will be Oksana Guryeva, Deputy Head of the Department for the Development of Estimated Standards of the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia. The round table will be held on April 22 by Tatiana Rzhevskaya, Head of the Department for Checking the Estimate Documentation and Expertise of Construction Projects of the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia.
Seminars within the framework of the professional development program will be held from April 20 to 26, 2022, from 09.00 to 16.00 (Moscow time).
To learn more about their topics and sign up, follow the link: https://edu.gge.ru/seminars/20-04-2022-programma-povysheniya-kvalifikatsii-aktualnye-voprosy-tsenoob...
The project documentation for the construction of the third stage of the bypass of Nizhnekamsk and Naberezhnye Chelny received a positive conclusion of the state expertise
ROSAVTODOR, 04.04.2022
The bypass of Nizhnekamsk and Naberezhnye Chelny is part of the Moscow–Kazan–Yekaterinburg high-speed route, which is being implemented on behalf of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The third stage of the bypass includes the construction of a four-lane category IB highway with a length of 33.5 km, one bridge, an overpass and two interchanges.
One interchange will be built at the intersection with the Naberezhnye Chelny–Sarmanovo regional highway leading to settlements in the south of the republic. The second interchange will appear at the junction of the bypass with the main direction of the M-7 highway near the village of Sosnovy Bor. The overpass will pass over the Novotroitskoye–Komsomolets highway. It is necessary to maintain transport links between settlements. On the site where the highway will cross the river Chelna, road builders will build a six-span bridge with a length of 166 meters.
To ensure traffic safety, electric lighting will be installed on the site, traffic flows will be separated by a metal two-way barrier fence, which will exclude the possibility of entering the oncoming lane. The designers provided for the possibility of a U-turn in areas remote from transport interchanges. To do this, four reversal loops will be built. To protect the owners of suburban areas from the noise of passing vehicles near the Camomile-1, Spring-1, Yoldyz and Avtozavodets will install noise screens.
Construction and installation works at the third stage of the bypass will begin after the conclusion of the state contract for construction.
The total length of the bypass will be 81.4 km. The project will be implemented in three stages. The project documentation for the first stage of km 0–km 26 with a bridge crossing over the Kama River is under consideration by the FAA Glavgosexpertiza of Russia. The contract for construction and installation work on the second stage was concluded in December 2021. Construction of the bypass will be completed by the end of 2024.