Mail for submitting media requests to the press service of the FAA "ROSDORNIA":
Head of the press service - Vasilyeva Evelina Yurievna
Phone: +7 (495) 540-08-20, ext. 6357
The procedure for submitting media requests to the press service of the FAA "ROSDORNIA":
All requests are accepted by e-mail in a free form, but the following procedure is welcome:
the presence in the request of information about the main topic (subject) of the request, links to the source of information, formulated questions;
availability of contact details (phone numbers, e-mail) for feedback from the journalist / editorial office;
the presence of an editorial form with the signature of the responsible head (editor-in-chief, department editor).
The press service of ROSDORNIA provides answers to urgent requests as soon as possible.
In other cases, the press service reserves the right to provide answers within 7 days (in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Mass Media", Article 40).